Sunday 24 June 2012

Sharon Langdon

I am fortunate enough to be engaged to the beautiful Sharon Langdon, but not only is she a very special person, she is also an incredible illustrator.

Unlike me, she is a far more mature illustrator and doesn't spend her time drawing biscuit cartoon characters (it's a shame, I know).

Why not check out some of her incredible work on her site. I have put a little teaser below.

© Sharon Langdon 2012.

© Sharon Langdon 2012. 

Kevin the Rabbit

I have had this image up on my personal website for a while now, but I thought I would post it here just in case you've not stumbled across it yet.

Blog posts have been a bit thin on the ground lately as I have had a really busy few months doing adult things, like organising my wedding and being involved in a lot of big projects.

The next couple of weeks will be pretty hectic for me, but after that I am looking forward to showing some more work on here, so stay tuned folks.