Sunday 6 March 2011


After a busy Christmas period and an incredible break away to Florida in late January, this month has been a harsh return to working life for me.

Whilst away, I was requested to work on a number of exciting illustrative projects and have spent day and night completing them. I count myself very lucky to have the opportunity to get paid for something I truly love. As anyone who reads this blog regularly knows, my dream is to one day be able to illustrate full-time and hopefully this year I will be taking the first steps to make this a reality.

Some of the characters that I have been working on recently are shown above. These guys will soon be running wild across Switzerland in an online promotion that I am currently working on. I will explain more in the coming months, but these are just a few of the 25 I had to do in total.

Within the next few months I will be moving my blog from here, back to I will write a post when I do and so keep an eye out for that.